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eenie meenie miney mo shopper

shopping cart

Sean Kingston and Justin Bieber made a song years ago talking about a girl being an “eenie meenie miney mo lover”(kinda catchy btw). But you could say that song is about me with regards to shopping. That’s right, I’m an eenie meenie miney mo shopper! Because with so many options for online shopping, how can you tell what’s a steal or an actual waste of money? Anyone else having this problem?

food for thought

how salty are you

spilled salt

You know, I can’t help myself. Here comes another SpongeBob reference, specifically from the episode “No Weenies Allowed”…Somehow you’ve made it out of Weenie Hut Junior, and you’re at the door of the Salty Spittoon. Instead of being greeted with the normal, “Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How tough are you?” you get “Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How salty are you?” This may seem silly from the normal routine, but the answer is quite important.

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i have a problem

person intently staring at tv screen

There is no doubt that our technology provides wonderful opportunities, but it should be used in moderation. I’ve heard some people say that young folks are addicted to their phones. Usually when they say this, though, they are referring to people who spend hours on end scrolling through their social media feed. Although social media isn’t my weakness, there are other areas of technology that have sucked me in and have left me attached to my computer or phone for hours. These kinds of habits can lead me to think that I need to get a life or that I have a problem.

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racing thoughts

Guy on bike with surroundings a blur

When I saw Inside Out some years ago, I really enjoyed it. It was fun thinking about these personified emotions that have control over how you react to different situations. The truth is, I can’t even verbalize how I’m feeling half the time. My mom will ask me what’s wrong, and I’ll reply, “I don’t know.” Reflecting on emotions can be tough, so it might be better to start with the ideas that form emotions. If I were to take a look inside my head to see my thoughts, there are various ways I would imagine it.

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where’s your Christmas spirit?

Gingerbread house with Christmas tree in back

Have you found yourself a little less excited for Christmas this year? Usually people find it stressful doing their last minute shopping, but that might not even be your focus this year with the pandemic. There was a scene in Jingle All the Way where store workers were making fun of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character for looking for the hottest selling Christmas toy on Christmas Eve. He snatched those two workers up by the collars as they sneered in his face and he said, “Where’s your Christmas spirit?” I wasn’t doing last minute shopping, but I found that I had to ask myself this question this year.

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last minute

clock with scattered number preparing for deadline

In this world, there are people that are masters at planning everything to the T. Then there are people that try to be planners, but no matter what, they don’t accomplish what they are trying to complete until the last minute. That is how you end up with people shopping for Christmas gifts the last weekend before Christmas. Despite people saying they hate the stress that comes with procrastination, I believe deep down there is some kind of thrill of accomplishing things at the last minute.

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bad at math

chalk board full of math problems

I’m not going to lie, these past few days I have been putting off posting because I wasn’t sure what to do for my 50th post on Tr3s Face. It’s such a special landmark, and I wanted to create the right post to bust out the cake and sparkling cider. However it turns out that my numbers were wrong, and this is actually my 49th post! I guess numbers really are not my thing.

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human hibernation

baby and bear sleeping with a pile of food

Do you ever feel like as a species humans are getting screwed over? We have to work jobs, we have to pay taxes, and WE DON’T GET TO HIBERNATE! So many other animals get to snuggle up during the winter months with a nice pile of food, while we go out in the cold and continue working. I’m calling for a HUMAN HIBERNATION!

food for thought

my vegetarian saga

vegetarian dish

As we get closer to Thanksgiving, it always makes me think about the short-lived time that I was a vegetarian. It was a span of time that lasted about two months during my sophomore year of college, and it culminated right around Thanksgiving. Having no game plan as to how I could make Thanksgiving work in a family of meat-loving people, my vegetarian saga came to an end.

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finishing a tv show

couple with Netflix pulled up on their TV

We spend so much time invested in watching our TV shows, and when we finish a show, there is a void left. It could be a show that ended twenty years ago that you just decided to binge watch, or it could be a show that you have been following consistently for the past six years. However, there is never true satisfaction from finishing a show. It either ends on a cliffhanger after being cancelled, the ending seems like something the showrunners threw together, or the ending was enjoyable but you miss the characters that you spent all those seasons with. No matter what, we must find ways to cope.